Thousands evacuated in Colorado due to hurricane

Young journalists club

News ID: 55280
Publish Date: 10:48 - 31 December 2021
Friday, 31 December 2021 (YJC)_ Hurricanes in parts of the state of Chlorda caused widespread power outages, forcing thousands of people to evacuate.

Thousands evacuated in Colorado due to hurricaneStrong winds in some areas of Boulder County, Colorado, destroyed power lines and forced officials to evacuate thousands.

According to the Bloomberg News Network, the hurricane speed in this area has reached 110 miles per hour (equivalent to 177 kilometers per hour). Authorities have asked residents of the 33,000-strong Superior and Louisville counties to evacuate.

"If you are in Louisville, you are in danger," the National Meteorological Agency wrote on its Twitter account. "Leave the area immediately."

Meteorological radar images of the US Meteorological Agency showed a column of smoke covering an area of ​​more than 70 miles. More than 47,000 residential and commercial units in the state of Chlorda were cut off from electricity, media reported.

It comes nearly 20 days after a storm that killed dozens in Central and South America.

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