Iranian Foreign Ministry: US Government Has "Definite International Responsibility" for Martyr Soleimani Assassination

Young journalists club

News ID: 55278
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:41 - 31 December 2021
Friday, 31 December 2021 (YJC)_ On the eve of the second anniversary of the martyrdom of Soleimani and his entourage, the State Department called the act a terrorist attack and declared that the US government had "a definite international responsibility" for this crime.

Iranian Foreign Ministry: US Government Has The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran issued a statement on the eve of the second anniversary of the martyrdom of Sardar Qassem Soleimani.

The statement said:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, on the eve of the second anniversary of the martyrdom of Sardar Rashid Islam, General Qassem Soleimani, commemorates this immortal martyr who spent his blessed life in sincere service to Iran and Islam and Kurdish peace and security.

The statement added:
Sardar Shahid Soleimani has always played a role in line with the principled policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran in helping to establish peace and stability at the regional and international levels, and many actions and efforts to combat international terrorism and growing terrorist groups in the region. Did.

The statement said:
For this reason, he has rightly and proudly been named the hero of the fight against terrorism and the commander of peace. Despite this role and position, the US government, by applying double standards and making false allegations, including allegations of counterterrorism, in a criminal act that violates the rules and principles of international law, attempts to plan and carry out a terrorist attack against Sardar Shahid Soleimani as One of the highest-ranking officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran also visited Iraq.

A statement from Iran's Foreign Ministry said:
The move by US officials to assassinate the International Counter-Terrorism Champion is a clear signal of support for terrorist groups that explicitly expose the claims of counter-terrorism claimants.

The statement said:
The martyrdom of Sardar Soleimani, Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes and his great companions, not only did not diminish the capacity of the axis of resistance, but on the one hand filled the internal environment of Iran with national cohesion and unity, and on the other hand highlighted the strategy and discourse of resistance.

The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has stated:
In response to this assassination, the immediate and effective action of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran in slapping the American troops stationed at the Ayn al-Assad base in Iraq and the spiritual effects of the blood of the Iranian and Iraqi martyrs changed the equations and caused the failure of US regional strategy. The US flight from Afghanistan, the beginning of the withdrawal process from Iraq and the change in the strategy of the US military presence in the geostrategic region of the Persian Gulf are just a few of its effects and consequences.

The statement said:
Undoubtedly, the criminal act of the United States in martyring Sardar Soleimani is an example of a "terrorist attack" that was organized and operated by the then US government and is now the responsibility of the White House.

The statement added:
Under US law and international standards, the US government has "definitive international responsibility" for this crime. In this context, all perpetrators, commanders, managers and perpetrators of this terrorist crime are responsible and therefore the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with other agencies and the judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran from the beginning and based on the legal principle of "combating impunity" It has begun to hold them accountable to justice and will continue to do so until the final result is achieved.

The statement said:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has taken several measures with the aim of following up the issue at all domestic, bilateral, regional and international levels. At various times, their reports have been presented to the great nation of Iran as much as possible. Will continue.

The statement added:
These measures have been taken in the political, legal, international and public diplomacy dimensions. In this regard, in the foreign and international arena, special efforts were made to prevent the distortion of reality by the United States and its abuse. .

The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reminded:
In pursuing this issue, it is necessary to mention the continuation of the activities of the Joint Judicial Committee between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Iraq.

The statement added:
The Islamic Republic of Iran has always taken effective and active measures to establish peace and stability in the region. Now, according to the approaches of the 13th government, which shakes the hands of the neighbors of the Islamic Republic of Iran for extensive and stable interaction and cooperation, the ground for the development and strengthening of relations between the countries of the region has been provided more than before.

He added:
The government and people of Iran consider themselves alongside the governments and nations of the region and will not and will not withhold any assistance to maintain territorial integrity and integrity, establish lasting stability and security, and develop the countries of the region and the Islamic world.

The statement said:
In the end, together with all Iranians in the motherland and all over the world, we pay tribute to the high spirit of the Commander of Peace and Security, Haj Qassem Soleimani.

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