Khatibzadeh Blasts Provocative Move of Zionist Regime

Young journalists club

News ID: 55277
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 23:30 - 30 December 2021
Thursday, 30 December 2021 (YJC)_ Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman condemned the recent cabinet meeting held by the Zionist regime.

Khatibzadeh Blasts Provocative Move of Zionist RegimeIranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh strongly blasted the recent cabinet meeting held by the Zionist regime held in the occupied Golan Heights of Syria.

He said this act of Zionist regime as “provocative and aggressive,” and noted “numerous United Nations resolutions especially Resolution No. 497 passed by the UN Security Council (UNSC) shows that the occupied Golan Heights is an integral part of Syria.”

“Zionist settlers have to be aware of the fact that they could never be able to live in the occupied Golan Heights and the growing number of Zionist immigrants cannot change this fact,” he added.

He finally announced that Iran will firmly support Syrian Arab Republic in this regard.

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