Russian official: Syrian army weakens ISIS even more

Young journalists club

News ID: 55271
Publish Date: 10:21 - 30 December 2021
Thursday, 30 December 2021 (YJC)_ In the last days of 2021, the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister announced that during this year, the cooperation of the Russian army with Syria has led to the further weakening of ISIS.

Russian official: Syrian army weakens ISIS even moreRussian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Siromolotov said that Russian forces, in close cooperation with Syrian forces, were able to weaken the capabilities of the ISIS terrorist group on Syrian soil.

According to Russia Today, Siromolotov added:
We look positively at the fact that in 2021, the Russian Armed Forces, through close cooperation with the Armed Forces of the Syrian Arab Republic, continued to consolidate their success in countering ISIS activities on Russian soil.

He continued:
As a result, the capabilities of this group (ISIS) have been significantly weakened, its forces and tools have been eliminated, its organizational structure has been destroyed and its resources have been reduced.

On the other hand, Siromolotov warned about the continued presence of extremist groups in Idlib, saying that the main destabilizing factors in Syria are the survival of extremist groups in the region, reducing tensions in Idlib and the presence of ISIS and al-Qaeda cells.

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