Khatibzadeh: Iran’s Team are in Vienna only to Reach a Good Agreement

Young journalists club

News ID: 55232
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 18:49 - 27 December 2021
Monday, 27 December 2021 (YJC)_ Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman said Iran’s team of negotiators are only after a good agreement.

Khatibzadeh: Iran’s Team are in Vienna only to Reach a Good AgreementIn a press conference in Tehran on Monday, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said Iran’s team of negotiators are only after a good agreement.

Khatibzadeh referred to the recent remarks by US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan about a deadline for reaching an agreement in Vienna talks and said that “We are in Vienna to reach a good agreement ASAP; this agreement should ensure that US is committed to all principals on the agreement. We do not limit ourselves to any deadline and our only goal is to respect the interests of our nations. Our presence in Vienna is with the aim of reaching a result and we do not care about these media campaigns.”

“During the 7th round of talks in Vienna Iran and other parties have reached two new documents which fully include Iran’s proposals and views, what we expect is the commitment and seriousness of the other side, this will be shown in the coming days,” he added.

Elsewhere in his remarks he criticized E3 for their inaction towards the US unilateral sanctions against Iran in the past few years, said “the Iranian negotiating team will remain in Vienna as long as necessary; we are ready to make a comprehensive agreement,” and noted “No activity beyond the Safeguards agreement (with the IAEA) have one by Iran.”

Currently, the Iranian official is in Vienna to attend negotiations on lifting sanctions against Iran.

Two weeks ago, it is announced that the 8th round of Vienna talks between Iran and P4+1 has started in Coburg Hotel.

Last week, Iran's top nuclear negotiator in Vienna talks Ali Bagheri Kani announced that discussions will be resumed after a few days’ break.

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