Palestinian resistance armed operations in the West Bank

Young journalists club

News ID: 55165
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 10:49 - 23 December 2021
Thursday, 23 December 2021 (YJC)_ Israeli soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian under the pretext of an armed operation in the West Bank.

Palestinian resistance armed operations in the West BankIsraeli media reported on Thursday morning that Palestinians were carrying out an armed operation in the West Bank.

The "I24news" network wrote in a breaking news that the Israeli soldiers were shot near a Zionist town in the West Bank.

Minutes later, the Israeli army issued a statement claiming that Israeli forces had entered the Al-Amari camp near Ramallah to investigate when a Palestinian vehicle fired at them.

The Associated Press, however, reported that Palestinian medical officials said a Palestinian man had been shot dead by Zionist militants in the occupied West Bank early Thursday morning.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced that 26-year-old Mohammad Issa Abbas was shot in the back of the head near the Al-Amari refugee camp in Ramallah. The agency did not provide further details on the shooting situation.

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