Karar tank was operated in the IRGC ground force

Young journalists club

News ID: 55155
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:31 - 22 December 2021
Wednesday, 22 December 2021 (YJC)_ Karar advanced tank was operated for the first time in the IRGC ground force in the 17th Prophet's exercise.

Karar tank was operated in the IRGC ground forceThe Karar Advanced Tank (upgraded T-72M) was delivered to the IRGC ground forces and became operational for the first time in the exercise.

The recurring tanks handed over to the IRGC ground force are, in fact, an upgraded version of the force's T-72M tanks, which have been upgraded by the Ministry of Defense's Bani Hashem Armored Industries, and other T-72N Nazsa tanks have now been upgraded to the Ministry of Defense.

The tank delivered to the IRGC ground force is equipped with special coatings to deal with heat waves and can also hide from heat seekers, and these tanks are also equipped with GPS navigation systems.

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