FM Spox.: No Direct Talk with US in Vienna

Young journalists club

News ID: 55131
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 18:57 - 20 December 2021
Monday, 20 December 2021 (YJC)_Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson rejected any direct talks with the US during negotiations in Vienna.

FM Spox.: No Direct Talk with US in ViennaIn a press conference on Monday, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Saeed Khatibzadeh told reporters that he rejects any direct talks taken place during negotiations in Vienna.

“Since the beginning of talks in Vienna, Enrique Mora have sent a number of messages in written and unwritten forms, we have given immediate answers to them,” Khatibzadeh said.

He went on to noted that “the US has not yet made any tangible proposals or text to the G4+1,” while adding the agreement is achievable only if the other side offers a tangible text ASAP.

Khatibzadeh also said that “Iran wants agreement but we do not trust the US intentions. If the other side removes the sanctions effectively and verifiably the agreement would be reached.”

Referring to the recent agreement signed between Iran and IAEA, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson noted that “Iran has always been committed to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Agency was aware of everything that we have done thus far.”

Prior to this, Spokesman for Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Behrouz Kamalvandi announced that the technical-security checks for re-installing the CCTV cameras at Karaj facility will start today.

According to Kamalvandi, Iran had set three pre-conditions before giving the permission to re-install the cameras at TESA by the IAEA which are: 1- The conclusion of the judicial-security studies on the act of the sabotage on the Karaj TESA site; 2- Condemning the act of sabotage on the part of the IAEA; and 3- Technical-security checks of the cameras before re-installing them.

last week Behruz Kamalvandi have said that IAEA will not have access to the information recorded by the CCTV cameras at Karaj site.

“There will be no acess for the IAEA to the camera’s recording,” he noted at that time and added this agrement will not go beyond the Safeguards Agreement entitled “Strategic Action Plan to Lift Sanctions and Protect Iranian Nation’s Interests.”

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