Friday, 17 December 2021 (YJC)_ Iran's top nuclear negotiator in Vienna talks announced that discussions will be resumed after a few days’ break.
Iran's top nuclear negotiator in Vienna talks Ali Bagheri Kani announced that discussions will be resumed after a few days’ break.
On his twitter account, Ali Bagheri expressed his satisfaction with the progress of negotiations and wrote “Following our consultations with other delegations, yesterday, @enriquemora & I met to take stock of the situation & discuss the way forward.”
“We have made good progress this week. We will convene a Joint Commission today & will continue talks after a break of a few days," he noted.
Currently, the Iranian official is in Vienna to attend negotiations on lifting sanctions against Iran.
On Thursday afternoon it is announced that the 8th round of Vienna talks between Iran and P4+1 has started in Coburg Hotel.
“The removal of the sanctions imposed by the US on Iran after its unilateral withdrawal from the nuclear deal” is the main aim of the current talks.