European Troika: The diplomatic window to Iran is wide open

Young journalists club

News ID: 55045
Publish Date: 10:20 - 15 December 2021
Wednesday, 15 December 2021 (YJC)_ Germany, Britain and France said in a statement that they were working hard in Vienna to reach an agreement to save the JCPOA, and that diplomatic doors were now wide open for Iran to reach an agreement.

European Troika: The diplomatic window to Iran is wide openRepresentatives of the three European troika countries at the United Nations issued a statement on Iran's nuclear program and the Vienna talks at the same time as the Security Council meeting to review the non-proliferation regime.

The statement, issued with the aim of creating an atmosphere against Iran and making the international community pessimistic about the country in the Vienna talks, claims:
Today, the Security Council is engaged in a serious matter. For two years now, Iran has taken unprecedented steps and has recently accelerated the pace of the most sensitive breach of the JCPOA.

Criticizing the International Atomic Energy Agency's limited oversight of Iran's nuclear facilities, Germany, Britain and France have claimed:
The international community is less aware of the status of Iran's nuclear program. Iran's nuclear program has never been more advanced than it is today. This undermines international peace and security and the global nonproliferation system.

Representatives of these countries said in the statement:
France, Germany and the United Kingdom are committed to the full implementation of UNSCR 2231. We work tirelessly and in good faith with all our partners in Vienna to reach an agreement to save and restore the JCPOA.

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