Negotiating Team Member Rejects Claims on Iran's Revision of Stance at Vienna Talks

Young journalists club

News ID: 54975
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 15:16 - 10 December 2021
Friday, 10 December 2021 (YJC)_ A member of the Iranian negotiating team has rejected the claim that the country revised its negotiating stance at the last session to save the Vienna talks.

Negotiating Team Member Rejects Claims on Iran's Revision of Stance at Vienna TalksIn a message on his Twitter account a member of the Iranian negotiating team, Seyed Mohammad Marandi, rejected the claim that the country revised its negotiating stance at the last session to save the Vienna talks.

He posted an image of an article by the Guardian newspaper in which it is claimed that Tehran revised its position after pressure from Russia and China in the Thursday talks between Iran and the P4+1.

Referring to that, Seyed Mohammad Marandi wrote “This is false & attempts to make western leaders look strong," and added “Iran didn't revise its position & forcefully asserted the JCPOA must be fully & verifiably implemented.”

He finally wrote “Russia & China both declared full support for the complete removal of all sanctions."

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