A large explosion on the route of a US military convoy on the Syrian-Iraqi border

Young journalists club

News ID: 54919
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 13:38 - 07 December 2021
Tuesday, 7 December 2021 (YJC)_ Two roadside bombs exploded on a U.S. military convoy near the Iraqi border on Syrian soil, causing heavy damage to U.S. military vehicles.

A large explosion on the route of a US military convoy on the Syrian-Iraqi borderA military convoy of the occupying US army in Syria was targeted by two bombs in the Al-Arabiya region last night (Monday).

The official Syrian News Agency (SANA) reported that a lot of damage was done to US military vehicles. Local sources said the military convoy had set off from the Tal Hamis area and was crossing a dirt road between the two villages of Beer al-Hulu and Umm al-Azam.

The US-backed Syrian Kurdish militias went on high alert after the blast.

Al-Hasakah province and the Kurdish-controlled areas of Syria have always witnessed tensions and clashes between tribes and residents of the region with the American occupying forces and "Qassad" militants.

On Sunday, Syrian news sources reported several deadly explosions inside a US military base in the al-Tanf area in southeastern Syria.

Also on Saturday, a US-occupied base at the Koniko oil field in Deir ez-Zor, Syria, was hit by a rocket.

Local sources on the outskirts of Syria's al-Hasakah province also reported horrific explosions on December 2 at an illegal US base in the village of Kharab al-Jir, five kilometers from the border town of Al-Arabiya. The blasts were the result of four rockets fired from a UAV.

The presence of the US military in Syria under the pretext of fighting ISIS is while there is no more news of the alleged caliphate of ISIS and the Syrian government has from the beginning considered the US presence as occupation and without the permission of the Syrian government.

usa ، iraq ، convoy ، syria
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