IRGC Commander: US Must Get out of the Geography around Iran

Young journalists club

News ID: 54844
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 18:35 - 02 December 2021
Thursday, 2 December 2021 (YJC)_ The IRGC Quds Force commander warned US to "get out of the geography around Iran".

IRGC Commander: US Must Get out of the Geography around IranDuring a ceremony held to commemorate the martyrdom of one of IRGC commanders in Fars Province in southwest Iran on Thursday, The IRGC Quds Force commander Esmaeil Ghaani warned US to "get out of the geography around Iran".

He advised the Americans to get out of Iran’s proximity and warned otherwise they will be expelled in a more shameful way than their experience in Afghanistan.

“We warn the Americans that they still have time to leave otherwise they will be expelled from all this geography in a way that would be worse than what they have experienced in Afghanistan,” Ghaani said.

“What you have done in the past is no longer available for you,” he added while noting that “The hit and run tactic no longer works.”

“US has fought in Afghanistan for twenty years but achieved nothing,” he said to highlight the US failure in Afghanistan as its worst experience.

Elsewhere in his remarks Ghaani said “By selling weapons, the US used to start a war in the world and made profits,” and added “Their presence in Afghanistan was not invited, then they negotiated while they did not get anything in return, and now they have made the current situation for Afghan people.”

“US cruel and unilateral sanctions do not work against the Iranian nations at all,” he finally noted.

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