The United Nations has so far refused to allow a Taliban representative

Young journalists club

News ID: 54833
Publish Date: 9:39 - 02 December 2021
Thursday, 2 December 2021 (YJC)_ The nine-member UN Credentials Committee has not yet allowed the Taliban ambassador to attend, postponing a decision on Afghanistan's representation.

The United Nations has so far refused to allow a Taliban representativeThe head of a UN committee on Wednesday evening postponed a decision on who will represent Afghanistan and Myanmar at the United Nations, meaning that the Afghan Taliban and the Myanmar military government will not be allowed to enter the international body at this time.

According to Reuters, the nine-member UN Accreditation Committee, which includes Russia, China and the United States, met at its headquarters to review the credentials of all 193 members for the current session of the UN General Assembly.

Several diplomats have told Reuters that the committee is likely to postpone its decisions on representing Afghanistan and Myanmar, as the current ambassadors of both countries remain in those seats.

Sweden's ambassador to the United Nations, Anna Karin ostrom, who is chairing the committee, told reporters:
Decisions on Afghanistan have been delayed, but he declined to comment on whether the current ambassadors to Afghanistan and Myanmar will continue to represent their countries.

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