Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman: The United States will not hesitate to take action to blockade China

Young journalists club

News ID: 54825
Publish Date: 13:45 - 01 December 2021
Wednesday, 1 December 2021 (YJC)_ A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman criticized the US approach to Beijing.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman: The United States will not hesitate to take action to blockade ChinaA Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said:
The US military report fully shows that the United States is making every effort to blockade China. The United States is making every effort to blockade China.

Asked if the Pentagon had said in its report that it intended to expand its military bases in Guam and Australia to strengthen its defense against China, Zhao Lijian said; He said the Pentagon report fully reflects the United States' real intention to militarize the Indian and Pacific Oceans and to make a concerted effort to blockade and contain China.

He added:
The development of China's national defense forces to protect its sovereignty, security and development; Interests in maintaining international and regional peace and security. This is fundamentally different from America's blatant fencing around the world, its hegemonic and bullying practices, and its disruption of regional peace and stability.

Zhao added:
We strongly oppose the US attempt to justify its actions and increase military spending and maintain its military hegemony with the "Chinese threat theory" and actions that threaten international peace and security.

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