The Yemeni army shot down a Saudi spy drone

Young journalists club

News ID: 54822
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 10:55 - 01 December 2021
Wednesday, 1 December 2021 (YJC)_ The Yemeni military says its forces have shot down a Saudi-owned spy drone in northwestern Yemen.

The Yemeni army shot down a Saudi spy droneYemeni Armed Forces spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Sari said this morning (Wednesday) that Yemeni forces had shot down a Saudi drone in the northwestern provinces of Saada and Imran.

A Yemeni Armed Forces spokesman said that "our air defense unit - thank God - was able to launch a CH4 (Chinese-made) UAV reconnaissance drone in the early hours of this morning with a surface-to-air missile." "To overthrow."

Yahya Sari added that the missile used to shoot down the drone has not been unveiled yet.

Sari also announced that the Saudi drone was conducting a hostile operation in the skies of Al-Amshiyah area between Saada and Imran provinces (northwestern Yemen).

The announcement comes as the Yemeni army announced the downing of several Saudi coalition drones in various parts of Yemen in recent weeks.

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