Bagheri: What we have before the six rounds of talks is a draft, not an agreement

Young journalists club

News ID: 54803
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:30 - 30 November 2021
Tuesday, 30 November 2021 (YJC)_ The Deputy Foreign Minister said: What we have before the six rounds of talks is a draft, not an agreement. The draft is a matter of negotiation, so nothing is agreed upon until everything is agreed upon.

Bagheri: What we have before the six rounds of talks is a draft, not an agreementAli Bagheri, Deputy Foreign Minister and Chairman of the Iranian Negotiating Committee in the talks with the P4 + 1, told reporters after the inaugural meeting of the Joint Commission of the JCPOA in response to the question of whether the talks will begin on Tuesday morning. "Does it start from the same point five months ago or are there going to be new discussions?"
What we have before the last six rounds of talks is a draft, not an agreement, the draft is the negotiating table, so nothing has been agreed until everything is agreed.

He added:
On this basis, all the issues that have been concluded in the six rounds of the Vienna talks can be negotiated, and this was acknowledged by all parties to the talks at the meeting.

Bagheri said about being hopeful for the result:
In Vienna, we only talk to the P4 + 1, but since we have a serious will to negotiate and practical readiness to reach an agreement, we are optimistic about the future, but because we do not trust the other side, we are not naive.

In response to the question, what guarantees do you want from the American and European sides? Stated:
This is one of the topics on the agenda of the sanctions working group that it wants to discuss on Tuesday.

The Deputy Foreign Minister also added about Monday's meeting of the Joint Commission of the JCPOA (the opening meeting of the Iran-P4 + 1 group):
This meeting, which was held with the participation of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the P4 + 1 countries, had two agendas. The first agenda was a report on the state of implementation of the JCPOA, and the second agenda was on the views of the parties participating in the meeting regarding the negotiations in the forthcoming period. In the first issue, we stated that the current situation we are facing is the main reason for the illegal action of the Americans in violation of the agreement and Resolution 2231 and the violation of international rules and regulations, and the action that the Americans took in imposing illegal and oppressive sanctions against our people. , Is the main factor of the current situation.

The senior Iranian diplomat said:
Accordingly, the first and priority agenda of the Joint Commission of the JCPOA should be to address the situation of oppressive and illegal sanctions.

Bagheri also said about the future perspective of the talks:
We stressed that the indicators and criteria that the Islamic Republic of Iran considers to reach a fruitful, fruitful and lasting agreement should be taken into account, that many of the criteria and indicators that we briefly stated in this meeting are welcomed by the parties. The issue was the US guaranteeing that it would not impose new sanctions in the first place, and that it would not impose sanctions that had already been imposed and lifted and would not re-apply them, and that it would not withdraw again and use the capacities contained in the agreement. There, against the member states of the JCPOA.

The Deputy Foreign Minister stated:
The meeting on Monday was constructive and useful in the opinion of me and other members, and some members, including the representatives of Russia and China, welcomed and supported Iran's position, and the representatives of European countries also stated this in the context of expressing their views and the positions of their respective countries. It was the United States that created such a situation, and the action that must be taken must be taken by the United States.

He also said about the next meeting of the Joint Commission of the JCPOA:
This meeting is not over and when it ends, we will have a closing meeting at the end of when the next round of talks will start.

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