Al-Sadr called for an investigation into the failed assassination of the Iraqi prime minister

Young journalists club

News ID: 54734
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 16:55 - 26 November 2021
Friday, 26 November 2021 (YJC)_ The leader of the Sadr faction in Iraq has called for an investigation into the failed assassination of the Iraqi prime minister, and warned that he would disclose the investigation if it did not materialize.

Al-Sadr called for an investigation into the failed assassination of the Iraqi prime ministerThe leader of the Sadr faction in Iraq, Sayyid Muqtada al-Sadr, this afternoon (Friday) called for an investigation into the recent plot to assassinate Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi.

According to the official Iraqi news agency (WAA), Muqtada al-Sadr posted a statement on his Twitter account:
What should not be overlooked is the image of the country, the attack on the house of the Prime Minister was a clear violation of the sovereignty and credibility, and it was a kind of sedition and undermining the security of the whole of Iraq.

The leader of the Sadr movement continued:
It is now necessary to make public the investigation into this case and to arrest the terrorists who carried out this terrorist act, and it is necessary to consider the appropriate punishment for them.

Muqtada al-Sadr warned in the end:
If it is not made public, we will have to make it public in the future.

Iraqi sources recently reported that unknown individuals attempted to assassinate the Iraqi Prime Minister in the Green Zone of Baghdad.

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