Hojatoleslam Raeisi: Space industry creates deterrence against enemy aggression

Young journalists club

News ID: 54731
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 16:12 - 26 November 2021
Friday, 26 November 2021 (YJC)_ The President said: "Yesterday, the space industry was the only manifestation of the power of countries, but today it is considered as one of the economic drivers and in the near future it will be part of the governance infrastructure in various fields of trade, economy and security."

Hojatoleslam Raeisi: Space industry creates deterrence against enemy aggressionPresident Seyed Ibrahim Raesi, on Friday morning, at the first meeting of the High Space Council in the 13th government, which was held after a decade of suspension, pointed to the role of this council in policy-making and drawing a roadmap for the development of the country's space industry.
The fact that the first meeting of the High Space Council will be held in almost 11 years shows the determination of this government to develop the space industry.

The President thanked the activities of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Support, the IRGC and the Army in the field of space.
With the efforts of the professional and faithful youth of the country, good efforts have been made in the space industry, but despite these efforts, we are far from the real position in this field.

The President emphasized:
Today, knowledge-based companies in industry, commerce, agriculture, and tourism can use space services to grow and thrive through climate change, including water scarcity and dozens of other areas.

The President emphasized the cheapness and localization of the space industry and said:
All active sectors in the industry must work together to overlap and converge, using each other's experiences and avoiding parallel work, and fulfilling the Supreme Leader's desire to reach a 36,000-kilometer orbit.

Raeisi added:
Of course, achieving this goal is a path of at least 10 years, but we are sure that by the grace of God, with the jihadist spirit of the country's experts and with the support of the 13th government, this path will become shorter and shorter.

Raeisi stated that despite the threats, sanctions and targeted pressures of the enemies in the space and military industries, we have made great achievements and progress in these areas.
Utilizing the experiences of scientists and efficient personnel in this field, can solve problems in other sectors, including the automotive industry, and its qualitative effects can be seen in other industries, including communications, telecommunications and home appliances, and people's daily lives.

The President emphasized:
If we want, we can certainly achieve advanced technologies with economic advantages in all these areas. We have to reach the established technology for circuits (LEO) quickly and with precise and coherent planning, and in the next step, with precise planning and hard work, we have to move quickly to the 36,000 km circuit (GEO).

Raeisi said:
If we are not present in the space and cyberspace industry, we will have to move on the highway built by others. The space industry creates a kind of deterrent for the enemies to invade the country. People and young people feel empowered and proud when a satellite is launched.

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