Assyrian representative in parliament: The efforts of the Zionists and dissidents against Iranian sports will fail

Young journalists club

News ID: 54710
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:04 - 25 November 2021
Thursday, 25 November 2021 (YJC)_ The representative of Assyrian and Chaldean Christians in the parliament, referring to the efforts of the Zionists and some dissidents to impose restrictions and deprivation on Iranian sports in international arenas, said: "Certainly, this tactic will be defeated with the timely arrival and management of the country's officials."

Assyrian representative in parliament: The efforts of the Zionists and dissidents against Iranian sports will failCharlie Anouyeh Takiyeh, the representative of Assyrian and Chaldean Christians in the Islamic Consultative Assembly, referring to the actions of Christ Ali Nejad, Shirin Ebadi and the Zionists to impose restrictions and deprivation on Iranian sports in international arenas, said:
International Zionism has tried hard to defeat the Islamic Republic of Iran in different periods and in various fields, but their efforts in the economic, sabotage, etc. fields have not yielded any results.

He added:
People like Shirin Ebadi and Masih Ali Nejad are not the ones to decide for themselves. Rather, there are people who take orders from their superiors, the United States and the Zionist regime, and carry out their orders.

The representative of Assyrian and Chaldean Christians in the parliament stated:
Fortunately, so far, with the wisdom of the wise leader of the revolution and the officials of our country, they have not succeeded in any of the areas in which the Zionists wanted to take action against our country; Because their anti-Iranian actions had neither fundamental roots nor reality.

Anouyeh Tekiyeh pointed out:
Today, the Zionists have failed in various scenes about their anti-Iranian actions, and their hands have been cut off from everywhere, and they have turned to the field of sports. In this regard, as in other areas, they will fail, and with the timely arrival and management of the country's officials, this tactic of the enemies will also lead to defeat.

He added:
As I said before, the Zionist regime has taken measures in the economic sphere and imposed sanctions in this field, as well as the assassination of nuclear scientists against our country, which has failed in all previous cases and will fail in sports and will not be able to achieve its goals and Reach your wishes.

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