Iranian FM Holds Talks with Grossi

Young journalists club

News ID: 54687
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 18:50 - 23 November 2021
Tuesday, 23 November 2021 (YJC)_ Iranian Foreign minister and the AEOI chief hold a meeting with IAEA chief in Tehran.

Iranian FM Holds Talks with GrossiFollowing a joint press conference, Head of the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization (AEOI) Mohammad Eslami met with IAEA Chief Rafael Grossi on his visit to Tehran on Tuesday.

The meeting between Grossi and Amir-Abdollahian was held at the Foreign Ministry compound.

Rafael Grossi confirmed on Monday that he will travel to Iran for high-level talks on the current state of play between the IAEA and Iran.

However, referring to the visit of IAEA chief Rafael Grossi to Tehran, Professor of American Studies at the University of Tehran Foad Izadi criticized IAEA for being political and said that the IAEA chief follows the US orders directly.

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