Moshe Ya'alon: The agreement with Iran was wrong, but leaving it was more wrong

Young journalists club

News ID: 54656
Publish Date: 15:17 - 22 November 2021
Monday, 22 November 2021 (YJC)_ The former Israeli war minister said that signing the nuclear deal with Iran was a wrong move, but that the US withdrawal from that deal was also a wrong move.

Moshe Ya'alon: The agreement with Iran was wrong, but leaving it was more wrongIn a statement, the former Israeli war minister simultaneously criticized the nuclear deal and the US withdrawal from the deal.

"The Haaretz newspaper said in a speech at a security conference:
The Trump administration's decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal with the encouragement of former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was a big mistake, although I opposed it when the deal with Iran was signed during the Obama administration.

According to the report, he explained:
Looking at the policy of the last decade regarding Iran, the main mistake was to leave the agreement. This agreement was a historic mistake in itself, but leaving it gave them an excuse to continue. Trump made the decision to pull out of the deal in 2018 with Netanyahu's applause.

The former war minister of Israel's child-killing regime claimed that Iran could still be prevented from achieving what it called nuclear weapons capability.
It depends on the US government. My advice to the current Israeli cabinet is to work closely and quietly with the Biden government and to avoid public conflicts such as Netanyahu's speech to Congress in 2015.

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