Bagheri Kani: “Firm Determination” from G4+1 is a Guarantee to the Success of Upcoming Vienna Talk

Young journalists club

News ID: 54590
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 18:27 - 18 November 2021
Thursday, 18 November 2021 (YJC)_ Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister said that the success of upcoming JCPOA talks is depended on the “firm determination” of G4+1.

Bagheri Kani: “Firm Determination” from G4+1 is a Guarantee to the Success of Upcoming Vienna TalkIn a tweet message on Thursday after meetings with resident ambassadors in Tehran, ambassadors of the Persian Gulf states and ambassadors of Mediterranean and East European countries, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister and top negotiator Ali Baqeri Kani said that the success of upcoming JCPOA talks is depended on the “firm determination” of G4+1.

“Firm determination and practical readiness to remove the US sanctions against Tehran from G4+1 is what will guarantee the success of the upcoming Vienna talks,” he said.

He, previously, and in a video conference with Deputy Foreign Ministers of Russia and China Sergei Ryabkov and Ma Zhaoxu, said that the aim of Tehran participating in Vienna talks would be to reach an agreement to remove all sanctions effectively.

He also traveled to Europe for four days for diplomatic consultations and met with the foreign ministries of France, Germany, Britain and Spain.

Also, following his phone call with the European Union's Enrique Mora, Ali Bagheri announced that Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) negotiations are set to resume on November 29.

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