Iranian Official and Austrian Ambassador Emphasize Broaden Cultural Ties

Young journalists club

News ID: 54560
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 18:56 - 16 November 2021
Tuesday, 16 November 2021 (YJC)_ Iranian Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance and Austrian Ambassador to Tehran stressed expanding cultural ties between two countries.

Iranian Official and Austrian Ambassador Emphasize Broaden Cultural TiesIn a meeting that is held at the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance on Tuesday, Iranian Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Mohammad Mahdi Esmaeili and the Austrian Ambassador Wolfgang Dietrich Heim stressed expanding cultural ties between two countries.

During his remarks, Iranian official referred to the 1976 and 2019 memorandums of understandings signed between Iran and Austria and said “we can continue expanding our cultural relations based on these two documents.”

“A cultural activity should be a mutual interaction,” he said while adding that “The cultural section of the Austrian Embassy in Tehran has different activities, we want Austria to lay the same ground for the Iranian side's activities in Vienna,” he added.

Esmaeili went on to say that the current Iranian administration attaches great importance to dialogue among different religions and cultures and hoped for expansion of cultural and artistic ties between Iran and the European country in the new era.

For his part, Wolfgang Dietrich Heim put emphasis on the need for expanding language education between the two countries and said he is eager to introduce Iranian history and culture to Austria.

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