Following the shortage of hospital equipment across the United States, hospitals in the United States demanded that people donate these items.
According to the Xinhua News Agency, one of the hospitals in the state of South Carolina has requested in a statement:
The global shortage of aluminum has left hospitals such as the Beaufort Memorial without the much-needed resources for crutches for patients, and have called for donations from second-hand data-x-items by associations.
In addition, hospitals in Texas and Utah have announced an urgent request for orthopedic equipment.
The shortage of crude aluminum in the United States has affected industries ranging from cans for food and beverages to automobiles and computers.
According to the deputy director of a children's hospital in North Texas, fuel shortages have also disrupted supply chains in the United States, and hospitals across the state have struggled to keep shelves full.
In addition to fuel shortages and disruption of the essential goods supply chain, American Airlines canceled more than 350 flights on November 4 to experience its fourth day of disruption due to labor shortages.