German Foreign Ministry tweets about Bagheri's visit to Vienna

Young journalists club

News ID: 54463
Publish Date: 11:27 - 11 November 2021
Thursday, 11 November 2021 (YJC)_ The German Foreign Ministry said that the Vienna talks should be resumed from the point that was stopped in the sixth round.

German Foreign Ministry tweets about Bagheri's visit to ViennaThe German Foreign Ministry said that the Vienna talks should be resumed from the point that was stopped in the sixth round.

Referring to the visit of Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri to Berlin, the ministry announced on Twitter:
Today, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani traveled to Berlin. The resumption of Vienna talks on the JCPOA was at the heart of the talks. For a quicker and more complete resumption of the JCPOA, negotiations must resume where they left off in June 2021.

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