Lavrov: The "Democracy Summit" of the United States is in line with the master-servant thinking

Young journalists club

News ID: 54358
Publish Date: 13:56 - 05 November 2021
Friday, 5 November 2021 (YJC)_ The Russian foreign minister described the US intention to hold a democracy summit as dividing the world and advancing the goals of the landlord and serf.

Lavrov: The Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov condemned the US-hosted Democracy Summit, calling it aimed at dividing the world.

According to the Russian Foreign Ministry's website, Lavrov said in an interview:
They (Americans) promote the idea of ​​holding a democracy summit. The meeting is being held in December at the invitation of US President Joe Biden. Of course, we are not invited to this meeting and China is not on the guest list.

The Russian Foreign Minister added:
Some of our partners say in our ears that they have been asked to prepare [for this meeting]. When asked what was to be done there, they replied that an online lecture was to be given and a statement would be issued at the end. When we asked could we see it? They promised to show it later. So what we are seeing here is a master-slave system.

Lavrov continued:
The Democracy Summit seeks to divide countries into "democratic" and "undemocratic." In addition, the invited countries have told me that these countries are also "fully" and "conditionally" divided in terms of democracy.

He also said:
I think the Americans want to form the largest possible gathering to show that the US-led movement has many followers. I am sure that efforts will be made to reach out to some of our strategic partners and allies, but I hope that instead of participating in a fake and informal meeting, they will stick to their commitments in other frameworks.

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