Diplomatic Source: France, Britain, and Germany have not received invitation to meet Iran

Young journalists club

News ID: 54211
Publish Date: 23:49 - 27 October 2021
Wednesday, 27 October 2021 (YJC)_ A French diplomatic source said that E3 have not received an invitation to meet Iran.

Diplomatic Source: France, Britain, and Germany have not received invitation to meet IranFrance, Britain, and Germany (E3) have not received an invitation to meet Iran and stand ready for a meeting, but regret the Iranian negotiator declined to meet them during a European visit, a French diplomatic source said on Wednesday.

"We received no such invitation. We stand ready to meet as E3 at earliest possible convenience, and regret Iran declined our proposal to do so today while ABK (Ali Bagheri Kani) was in Europe," the source said.

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