UN agency: Yemenis turn to tree leaves

Young journalists club

News ID: 54138
Publish Date: 19:11 - 23 October 2021
Saturday, 23 October 2021 (YJC)_ Following a recent report by a UNICEF spokesperson on the dire situation in Yemen, the World Food Program, the world's largest humanitarian agency for food security, said that as the Yemeni crisis escalated, its people began to eat tree leaves.

UN agency: Yemenis turn to tree leavesThe World Food Program (WFP), the UN's food aid arm and the world's largest humanitarian body for food security and hunger, has reported severe food shortages in Yemen.

The United Nations-affiliated organization said on its Twitter account that there was no sign that the crisis in Yemen was easing due to the war and the collapse of the Yemeni economy, which had multiplied hunger in the country. .

Saudi Arabia, at the head of a US-backed Arab coalition, has been waging a military aggression and siege of Yemen, land, air and sea, since April 26, 2015, claiming that it is trying to bring the resigned Yemeni president back to power.

The World Food Program went on to say that this has led Yemeni families to resort to things like eating tree leaves to survive.

So far, the Saudi elite has not achieved any of its goals by invading Yemen militarily. The move comes as tens of thousands of Yemenis have been killed and injured, millions have been displaced, the country's infrastructure has been damaged, and famine, famine and infectious diseases have spread.

un ، yemeni ، tree
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