Head of AEOI Blasts EU and US for Non-Commitment towards JCPOA

Young journalists club

News ID: 54113
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 19:35 - 21 October 2021
Thursday, 21 October 2021 (YJC)_ Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran criticized western countries for the non-commitment and inaction towards the Iranian nuclear deal.

Head of AEOI Blasts EU and US for Non-Commitment towards JCPOADuring his remarks in a meeting with Austria’s Ambassador to Tehran Wolf Dietrich Heim Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Mohammad Eslami blasted Washington and the European states for their non-commitment and inaction towards (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) JCPOA.

“Iran is the soul country that stayed unilaterally committed to its obligation,” he said.

Elsewhere in his remarks he referred to west’s struggle to make the inappropriate image of Iran by constantly blaming the country for a set of legal nuclear countermeasures that it has been taking in retaliation for their contractual violations.

Iranian official went on to urge the rest of the JCPOA’s signatories to try to persuade US and E3 to resume their obligations under the accord.

“As our will for negotiation is serious and all parties should resume their commitments,” Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran said.

For his part, Wolf Dietrich Heim expressed Vienna’s readiness to continue its contribution to the process of the negotiations.

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