The Senior Advisor to the Foreign Minister met with the UN Special Representative for Syria

Young journalists club

News ID: 54088
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:39 - 20 October 2021
Wednesday, 20 October 2021 (YJC)_ Ali Asghar Khaji, Senior Advisor to the Secretary of State, met yesterday evening with Patterson, Special Representative of the Secretary-General.

The Senior Advisor to the Foreign Minister met with the UN Special Representative for SyriaAli Asghar Khaji, Senior Advisor to the Foreign Minister, met yesterday evening with Patterson, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Syria, regarding the sixth meeting of the country's Constitutional Committee, which is being held in Geneva.

During the meeting, Patterson, while positively reading this round of talks, stressed that constructive talks have taken place between the opposition and the Syrian government, and we hope to see progress in this round of talks.

Welcoming the positive results of the sixth meeting of the Syrian Constitutional Committee, the Senior Advisor to the Secretary of State stressed Iran's support for the UN Special Representative for Syria's efforts. Threshold format format We support this process.

Khaji also stressed the need to lift oppressive sanctions against the Syrian people and called on the United Nations to work to attract humanitarian aid and provide facilities for the reconstruction of the country.

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