Raeisi: Martyr Soleimani took practical measures in the Islamic world/The Islamic Ummah must be united with each other

Young journalists club

News ID: 54076
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:53 - 19 October 2021
Tuesday, 19 October 2021 (YJC)_ The President said that the Islamic Ummah should be united with each other: The idea of rapprochement and unity of the Islamic Ummah, which is emphasized by the Imam and the leadership, is a strategic and necessary move in the Islamic world.

Raeisi: Martyr Soleimani took practical measures in the Islamic world/The Islamic Ummah must be united with each otherHojatoleslam Sayyed Ebrahim Raeisi, President, said this morning at the opening ceremony of the 35th International Conference on Islamic Unity:
Martyr Haj Qasem Soleimani took practical measures in the Islamic world, and these measures, along with the scientific actions of Ayatollah Taskhiri, were very effective in removing doubts and creating unity in the Islamic Ummah.

He continued:
Their movement was a lasting, approximate and valuable movement. The idea of ​​rapprochement and unity of the Islamic Ummah, which is emphasized by the Imam and the leadership, is a strategic and necessary move in the Islamic world. The Islamic Ummah must be united with each other.

The President stated:
One of the important elements of the ummah has a common goal, movement and dynamism, and the ummah has no right to stand still and lock itself in. What we perceive from the ummah is the movement and Muqtada of the ummah. Our Muqtada is the Messenger of God. The sole purpose of the ummah is the liberation of the ummah from the system of domination.

He continued:
After the polarization of the world after World War II, and after the unipolarity of the world after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the domination system saw only one power in front of it, and that was Islam.

The President added:
Today, we are witnessing the divisiveness and conspiracy of the enemies of Islam in all the countries of the region, including Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Yemen, and we must all try to protect the Islamic Ummah from these conspiracies.

Emphasizing that the Islamic Ummah is the only important power that the domination system sees against itself, Raisi said:
The system of domination tries to weaken the components of the power of the Islamic Ummah by skepticizing and dividing the Islamic Ummah by using the power of its media, but efficient manpower and scientists and scholars are the greatest energy, power and opportunity of the Islamic Ummah against the conspiracies of enemies of unity and cohesion. The Islamic Ummah must stand.

Referring to the Western lifestyle, he said: "If yesterday the young man wished to be in the Western cultural space, today he feels he has to stand on his own feet."

Referring to the Americans' acknowledgment of the creation of ISIS, the president said:
The Islamic Ummah has awakened. This meeting is very important for planning the Islamic awakening. Islamic awakening should not turn cold. Exactly there must be a proper understanding of the conspiracies and deviations.

He added:
Some initially misunderstood ISIS. At the same time, the Supreme Leader of the Revolution said that the sex of ISIL was the sex of the Zionists, and it turned out that they had American and Zionist roots, and the US Secretary of State officially announced that we had created ISIS. Today, we are witnessing conspiracies in Lebanon and Afghanistan that are important to understand. The enlightenment of the ulema about the conspiracies is the immunity of the youth of Islam.

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