Qatari Foreign Minister's telephone conversation with Amir-Abdollahian

Young journalists club

News ID: 54070
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:16 - 19 October 2021
Tuesday, 19 October 2021 (YJC)_ Qatari sources reported that the Foreign Minister had discussed the latest developments in the region with his Iranian counterpart.

Qatari Foreign Minister's telephone conversation with Amir-AbdollahianQatari official sources reported on Monday evening that the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, had held talks with his Qatari counterpart, Mohammad bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani.

According to a statement posted on the official website of the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Qatari side has made a telephone call to its Iranian counterpart.

According to the report, the two sides discussed "bilateral cooperation between the two countries" and "the latest developments in the region."

The phone call coincided with a visit to the region by US envoy to Iran Robert Malley.

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