US: Talks with the Taliban in Doha were "honest and professional"

Young journalists club

News ID: 53917
Publish Date: 13:47 - 11 October 2021
Monday, 11 October 2021 (YJC)_ A State Department spokesman described the first talks between senior US officials and the Taliban since they came to power in Afghanistan in Doha, Qatar, as "honest and professional."

US: Talks with the Taliban in Doha were The United States said Sunday that the first face-to-face meeting between senior US and Taliban officials since coming to power in Afghanistan was "honest and professional," and reiterated that the Taliban would be judged by their actions, not just their words.

According to Reuters, US State Department spokesman Ned Price said the US delegation to the weekend talks in Doha, Qatar, focused on security and terrorist concerns and the safe passage of American citizens, other foreigners and Afghans, as well as human rights, including significant participation of women and Girls focused on all aspects of Afghan society.

The two sides also discussed providing direct humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people, he said. The US official did not say whether an agreement had been reached.

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