AEOI Head: 20% Enriched Uranium Stockpile Exceeded 120 Kilograms

Young journalists club

News ID: 53898
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 18:32 - 10 October 2021
Sunday, 10 October 2021 (YJC)_ Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran announced that 20% enriched uranium stockpile exceeded 120 kilograms.

AEOI Head: 20% Enriched Uranium Stockpile Exceeded 120 KilogramsDuring his remarks in a televised interview Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Mohammad Eslami announced that 20% enriched uranium stockpile exceeded 120 kilograms.

“We are ahead of schedule in this matter as we have exceeded 120 kg,” he said while pointing out the fact that “According to the JCPOA, 20% uranium fuel was supposed to be given to the Tehran reactor, but it was not given.”

He went on to put emphasis on the importance of this fact and added “This fuel is one of the basic needs of our country used to be supplied through US, but now we are capable of its production.”  

He finally, announced that “Both 20% and 60% of fuel production has been completed,” while pointing out that “IR2m centrifuges are installed and IR6 centrifuges are under construction.”


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