Iranian Envoy oppressive US sanctions are hindering aid to Afghan people

Young journalists club

News ID: 53836
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:34 - 07 October 2021
Thursday, 7 October 2021 (YJC)_ –The Iranian envoy to Geneva-based UN bodies said that US sanctions are hindering the aid to reach to Afghanistan.

Iranian Envoy oppressive US sanctions are hindering aid to Afghan peopleDuring his remakrs at the 72nd session of the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme (4 – 8 October 2021), which is held at UN headquarters in Geneva to discuss the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, Iran's ambassador and Permanent Representative at the UN Office in Geneva Esmaeil Baghaei Hamaneh said that US sanctions are hindering the aid to reach to Afghanistan.

He highlighted the negative consequences of military intervention in Afghanistan while stressing the need to form an inclusive government in Afghanistan that represents all the people of Afghanistan and added, “International understanding and support is what Afghan people need right now. The international community must properly fulfill its responsibility to protect the Afghan people as no humanitarian aid will replace lasting peace and stability in Afghanistan.”

Iranian envoy also noted that “Oppressive US sanctions has negative consequences that affect the capabilities of host countries to support Afghan refugees.”

He finally said “The unilateral US sanctions have seriously endangered a lot of the humanitarian efforts to meet the needs of Afghan refugees,” while calling on the United States to be part of the solution, not the problem.

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