Saudi media claims about Iranian fuel denied

Young journalists club

News ID: 53732
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 11:13 - 02 October 2021
Saturday,2 October 2021 (YJC)_ The Lebanese Industrial Research Institute denied the rumors after Saudi media tried to spread rumors about the quality of fuel sent from Iran to Lebanon.

Saudi media claims about Iranian fuel deniedLebanese sources reported that fuel sent from Iran to Lebanon was tested at the Lebanese Industrial Research Institute.

Following rumors circulating in the media close to Saudi Arabia about the poor quality of fuel sent from Iran to Lebanon, Al-Diar newspaper quoted the Lebanese Industrial Research Institute as saying that Iranian fuel oil had recently been sampled and handed over to the Lebanese Industrial Research Institute for testing. To be placed.

According to the report, the institute was asked to check whether the fuel sent from Iran can be used in diesel vehicles in accordance with the conditions set by the Lebanese Standards Organization (Libnor).

Al-Diar further wrote that after the test, it was determined that the fuel oil sent from Iran is in accordance with the standards and conditions set by the Lebanese Standards Organization, and as a result, this fuel is suitable for use in power generators and all diesel vehicles.

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