Olmert: Tel Aviv does not have the power to destroy Iran's nuclear capability

Young journalists club

News ID: 53621
Publish Date: 16:36 - 27 September 2021
Monday, 27 September 2021 (YJC)_ The former prime minister of the Zionist regime acknowledged in an article that the claims of the officials of this regime that Iran is about to acquire an atomic bomb are not true and that Tel Aviv has no ability to destroy Iran's nuclear industry.

Olmert: Tel Aviv does not have the power to destroy Iran's nuclear capabilityEhud Olmert, the Israeli prime minister from 2006-2009, wrote in an article that the regime did not have the military power to destroy Iran's nuclear capability forever.

Olmert wrote in the Haaretz newspaper that Benjamin Netanyahu's policy toward Iran and reiterating his claim that Iran was on the verge of acquiring a nuclear weapon was incorrect, because large-scale and rapid uranium enrichment does not necessarily prevent Iran from acquiring an atomic bomb. .

He called the policy of intimidation on Iran's nuclear program unnecessary and wrote:
Iran has the ability to enrich the uranium it needs to become a country with an atomic bomb in a matter of months at any point in time, but uranium enrichment is a necessary condition, not a sufficient one, if other conditions are met, which it says are not yet possible for Iran. , Iran can reach that position. He claimed that Iran would take a long time to become a nuclear military power.

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