Interior Minister: We are not afraid of sanctions, nor of the United States

Young journalists club

News ID: 53601
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:27 - 26 September 2021
Sunday, 26 September 2021 (YJC)_ The Interior Minister said: "We are in a time when we are not afraid of sanctions or the United States, and not only will we not give up on any of them, but we will force them to do so."

Interior Minister: We are not afraid of sanctions, nor of the United StatesAhmad Vahidi stated this morning in the meeting of the administrative council of Bushehr province that we are witnessing "new stages" of the revolution as the second step: ‌
A lot of blood has been sacrificed so that today the revolution can be named in the world with power and strength, and it is a power that has overthrown the oppressors.

He added:
It has not been long since the words of the leadership about the US withdrawal from the region that we are witnessing their humiliating departure from Afghanistan and the humiliation in Iraq.

Vahidi stated that the path of the revolution ‌ is "bright, strong and honorable" because it is the continuation of the revolution of the martyrs and has clashed the superpowers and threatened them many times:
The glorious history of Bushehr shows that Ra'is Ali has many new heroes and we are in a day when we are not afraid of sanctions or the United States and we not only do not give up on any of them but we force them to give up.

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