Iran to launch door-to-door vaccinations to curb COVID

Young journalists club

News ID: 53483
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 8:27 - 20 September 2021
Monday, 20 September 2021 (YJC)_ Iran’s health ministry is pushing a door-to-door vaccination campaign to immunize more Iranians against the coroanvirus.

Iran to launch door-to-door vaccinations to curb COVIDHealth minister Bahram Einollahi said on Sunday that health workers will be dispatched to various parts of the country to deliver vaccines to the arms of people who have missed invitations to come to government-run vaccination facilities.

“We are planning to launch the door-to-door campaign to catch up on missed vaccinations,” said Einollahi, adding that the campaign would ensure the quality and integrity of Iran’s vaccination drive against the coroanvirus.

The comments come as Iran is racing against the time to complete a COVID inoculation program that got off to a very slow start in December.

The number of vaccine doses offered to Iranians reached around 44 million on Sunday, nearly four times the figures reported in early August when a new administrative government took office to appoint Einollahi as new health minister.

Einollahi said vaccinations could exceed a record of eight million doses offered per week.

Health ministry figures published on Sunday said that number of vaccine doses dispensed over the past 24 hours had reached 1.368 million.

The figures showed that some 14 million people had been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus while another 15 million people had received at least one vaccine.

Increased vaccination rates in Iran came as the number of daily deaths from the virus declined to below 400 for a first time in weeks.

The number confirmed cases reported since Saturday stood at nearly 16,000, nearly half the figures reported at the start of a fifth wave of the coronavirus in Iran in late July.

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