Beijing: Australian-US intervention is a desperate pressure tactic

Young journalists club

News ID: 53423
Publish Date: 12:38 - 17 September 2021
Friday, 17 September 2021 (YJC)_ The Chinese embassy in Canberra has denied the baseless allegations made by Australian and US officials against the country, saying the desperate pressure on Beijing is going nowhere.

Beijing: Australian-US intervention is a desperate pressure tacticThe interventionist remarks of the US and Australian foreign and defense ministers against China provoked a sharp reaction from Beijing.

The Chinese embassy in Australia today (Friday) described the allegations as baseless, saying the remarks were just a tactic of desperate pressure.

The defense and foreign ministers of the United States and Australia on Thursday evening, after consultations in a joint statement, expressed concern over what they called China's "extensive maritime claims" in the South Sea, calling it "baseless" and expressing their desire to Emphasized the strengthening of relations with Taiwan.

According to Reuters, the Chinese embassy said in a statement:
This desperate move to put pressure on China will not only be of no use, it is a ridiculous show.

The United States and Australia have also criticized China's national security laws against Hong Kong, calling them a weakening of the electoral system in the region.

According to the report, three Beijing embassies in Canberra continued:
We strongly oppose baseless allegations against China and reject erroneous statements on issues related to the South China Sea, Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and other China-related issues.

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