The BRICS leaders are worried about the situation in Afghanistan

Young journalists club

News ID: 53356
Publish Date: 13:52 - 13 September 2021
Monday, 13 September 2021 (YJC)_ At their annual meeting, the BRICS leaders expressed concern over the situation in Afghanistan and called on all stakeholders in the country's developments to refrain from violence and resolve issues peacefully.

The BRICS leaders are worried about the situation in AfghanistanThe leaders of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) agreed on the "New Delhi" statement after the video conference.

The statement said:
All the BRICS countries are following the latest developments in Afghanistan with concern and call on all stakeholders in the developments in this country to avoid violence and resolve issues peacefully.

Officials in Afghanistan urge all parties in Afghanistan to prioritize the fight against terrorism and drug trafficking, to prevent terrorist attempts to use Afghan territory as a haven for terrorists, and to address the need to resolve the humanitarian situation and respect human rights. , Including women, children and Afghanistan's national minorities.

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