Abbas Honarmand, director of the Young Journalists Club, appointed the communications deputy of the president's office

Young journalists club

News ID: 53353
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:32 - 13 September 2021
Monday, 13 September 2021 (YJC)_ The head of the president's office issued a decree appointing Abbas Honarmand, director of the Young Journalists Club, as "communications and information deputy of the Presidential Administration of Islamic Republic of Iran"

Abbas Honarmand, director of the Young Journalists Club, became the vice president for communications at the president's officeThe head of the president's office issued a decree appointing Abbas Honarmand, director of the Young Journalists Club, as "communications and information deputy of the Presidential Administration of Islamic Republic of Iran."

The text of Gholam Hossein Esmaili's sentence is as follows:

in the name of God

Dear Mr. Abbas Honarmand

In view of your commitment and valuable experience in the field of communication and information, you are hereby appointed to the position of "Deputy of Communications and Information of the Office of the President".

It expects you to work diligently by creating coordination, synergy and using all the capacities of the media in providing appropriate and timely information and a proper and hopeful portrayal of the actions taken in the field of presidency.

We hope that by relying on God Almighty and striving for "central justice", "revolutionary spirit", "purity and anti-corruption", "rule of law" and "the provisions of the Covenant of People's Government Managers" you will succeed in performing your duties.

Head of the Office of the President

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