Friday, 10 September 2021 (YJC)_ Iranian President called serving all Iranian people, especially in the less privileged regions as the duty of government.
During his speech on Friday morning upon arrival in Tabas city in South Khorasan province as in his third provincial trip, Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi said that the duty of the government is to serve all Iranian people, especially in the less privileged regions.
“Mines are one of the valuable resources of this province that could solve the problem of employment, the problem of production and production prosperity, and economic problems,” president Raisi said.
“Lack of rainfall in this region is the reason why people's agriculture has faced problems, but the people of these areas have shown that they turn threats into opportunities,” he said while adding that “We have valuable human resources, especially young ones in South Khorasan province, they will definitely help the government to take steps to solve the problems of the province.”
He went on to put emphasis on the fact that the issue of water is a problem in many provinces in the country and said “Special measures are on the agenda in this regard. We are following this issue in the government with special emphasis and with short-term and long-term solutions, including transferring water from the Oman Sea.”