Pakistan's Minister of Information and Communication Fawad Chaudhry said the presence and movements of ISIS, the issue of refugees and Pakistani opposition were the most important challenges facing Afghanistan.
Regarding Pakistan's position on the announcement and introduction of the government and government officials by the Taliban, he said: The answer to this question is still early and we have to wait a while.
Referring to the visit of the head of the country's intelligence service to Kabul, he clarified: Reports indicate that Turkish and Qatari intelligence chiefs and officials were also present and traveling in Kabul. With these interpretations, if we sent the foreign minister to Kabul, who would he meet there? Where there was no foreign minister.
According to Chaudhry, in the absence of the official government in Kabul, the intelligence agencies created such a framework. We face serious problems, including the spread and movement of ISIS, the issue of refugees and immigration, as well as the opposition to the Pakistani government, including the TTP in Afghanistan.