The United States called on Ansarallah to agree to an immediate and comprehensive ceasefire

Young journalists club

News ID: 53214
Publish Date: 8:43 - 06 September 2021
Monday, 6 September 2021 (YJC)_ The US Secretary of State condemned the Ansarullah rocket attack on targets in Saudi Arabia on Sunday morning, without mentioning the Saudi coalition's attacks in Yemen.

The United States called on Ansarallah to agree to an immediate and comprehensive ceasefireThe US State Department has condemned a missile attack by Saudi forces and Yemeni People's Committees on Saudi territory.

According to Al-Hadath, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken called on Ansar al-Islam forces to immediately agree to a comprehensive and immediate ceasefire, and said the Houthis should work for a diplomatic solution and an end to the conflict within the framework of the UN talks.

Meanwhile, Ansarullah's spokesman said about the Saudi aggression: As the Saudi coalition insists on continuing the aggression and siege, the Yemeni people will continue to defend themselves, and our legitimate operations will not only not stop, but will expand.

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