Kabul Foreign Exchange Center reopened

Young journalists club

News ID: 53172
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 11:11 - 04 September 2021
Saturday, 4 September 2021 (YJC)_ More than a few weeks after the Taliban took control of Kabul, and the closure of banks and foreign exchange centers, the largest foreign exchange center in Afghanistan reopened this morning.

Kabul Foreign Exchange Center reopenedDarb Sarai Shahzadeh, the largest foreign exchange center in Afghanistan, has reopened after a days-long hiatus after foreign exchange problems.

Sarai Shahzadeh is open to customers at 9:00 AM today, Saturday, September 4th.

The center has been closed over the past few weeks since the Taliban took control of Kabul and has been a major factor in the rising value of the dollar.

Ahmadullah Mottaqi, a member of the Taliban leadership, confirmed the news of the reopening of the Kabul Foreign Exchange Center.

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