Phone consultation between the Emir of Kuwait and Joe Biden

Young journalists club

News ID: 53120
Publish Date: 13:22 - 02 September 2021
Thursday, 2 September 2021 (YJC)_ During a telephone conversation, the US President and the Emir of Kuwait discussed ways to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries.

Phone consultation between the Emir of Kuwait and Joe BidenAccording to the website of Russia Today, US President Joe Biden made a telephone call with the Emir of Kuwait Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.

During the phone call, the Emir of Kuwait invited the US President to visit Kuwait.
The Emir of Kuwait offered his condolences to Joe Biden on the death of American soldiers in an explosion near Kabul Airport.

Nawaf al-Ahmad praised the strong ties between Kuwait and the United States and the people of the two countries.

In this regard, the US President, while emphasizing the US position in supporting the security and stability of Kuwait, thanked it for its role in facilitating the safe passage of US troops through Afghanistan. He praised the historical relations between the two countries and called for its strengthening and promotion.

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