Berlin: We must learn that military intervention in Afghanistan was useless

Young journalists club

News ID: 53067
Publish Date: 15:50 - 31 August 2021
Tuesday, 31 August 2021 (YJC)_ Describing the military intervention in Afghanistan as useless, the German foreign minister said that any deterioration in the situation in Afghanistan would have serious consequences for the region.

Berlin: We must learn that military intervention in Afghanistan was uselessFollowing the withdrawal of the last US troops from Afghanistan and the end of the 20-year occupation of the country, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas spoke of the important lesson that Afghanistan's defeat had for the West.

Maas said in a news interview today (Tuesday): We thank all those who helped evacuate foreign nationals from Afghanistan. Assistance to Afghanistan and neighboring countries continues.

According to the Al-Jazeera website, he also added: We are waiting for what the Taliban movement will do about forming a government that includes all sects, especially minorities. We will work with other countries to arrange passenger flights to Kabul Airport once it reopens.

The German Foreign Minister explained:
We must learn from Afghanistan the lesson that military intervention there was not successful. We have to see if the Taliban will live up to its commitment to an inclusive government.

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