Tuesday, 24 August 2021 (YJC)_ The head of the "State of Law" coalition and former Iraqi Prime Minister, while commenting on various issues in the country, including the Al-Hashd al-Shaabi organization, said that he has a long-standing friendship with the President of Iran.
Former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, secretary general of the Dawa al-Islamiyah party and head of the State of Law coalition in the country, addressed various issues in an interview with Rudaw on Monday evening.
In the interview, the former Iraqi Prime Minister answered a number of questions in various fields, addressed some of his remarks to Iran, and answered questions about the US presence in Iraq.
Host: For us and the Iraqis, your absence from the inauguration of Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi was strange, given that many politicians and party leaders in Iraq attended. What was the cause? Were you invited and did you not accept it or was there another reason?
In response to this question, Nouri al-Maliki said: First, I have a long-standing personal and friendly relationship with Mr. Raeisi. I have met him many times. Secondly, they invited me on a day when there were only three people invited from Iraq and I was one of them. I also decided to participate; But when it came time to attend, I was skeptical of having coronary heart disease. This hesitation and giving the test made me not participate. I did not go on this trip and I was worried that my physical condition would get worse. That was the only obstacle.